

This contract ("Agreement") is made effective as of the date of booking a tour ("Tour") through any online or offline channels of the Horseback Explorers Ltd (Incorporated in the Republic of Ireland, 736576) ("Platform"), by and between the user ("User") and the Platform


1.1 The User agrees to book the Tour through the Platform and pay deposit and remaining balance in accordance to the requirement of the Tour operator.

1.2 The User agrees to provide accurate and complete information during the booking process, including but not limited to name, contact information, and any medical or physical conditions that may affect their ability to participate in the Tour. The User will be solely responsible for any damages or losses incurred by the Platform or Tour operator due to inaccurate information.

1.3 The User may cancel the Tour booking at any time. Cancellation fees may apply, depending on the time of cancellation and the Tour operator's cancellation policy.

1.4 Refunds will only be issued to the User in case the Tour is cancelled by the Tour operator or if the User cancels the Tour in accordance with the cancellation policy.


2.1 The User agrees to comply with all instructions and guidelines provided by the Tour operator during the Tour, including but not limited to safety guidelines, horse riding rules, and environmental regulations.

2.2 The User acknowledges that horseback riding involves inherent risks and that accidents may happen. The User agrees to assume full responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur during the Tour. The User will waive the right to sue the Tour operator or Platform for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur during the Tour.


3.1 The User acknowledges that the Platform is only acting as an agency between the User and the Tour operator. The Platform is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by the User due to the Tour operator's negligence or misconduct.The Platform shall not be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages as a result of the User participating in a Tour, including but not limited to personal injury, loss or damage of property and travel plan disruption.

3.2 The User agrees to assume full responsibility for purchasing adequate insurance and make reasonable effort to protect himself/herself against the situations including but not limited to, disease outbreak, government action, terrorism, industrial strike, delayed departure, missed connections, personal circumstances affecting the Users ability to participate in the Tour as planned. The Platform is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by the User due to unforeseen circumstances, and shall not be liable for any loss the User might suffer if the User cannot comply with the Tour operators cancellation policy.


4.1 Any disputes or claims arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the country or state where the Tour is held.

4.2 The arbitration shall take place in the country or state where the Tour is held, and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.


5.1 The Agency's liability for any damages arising from this Agreement shall be limited to the Tour fee paid by the User.


6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country or state where the Tour is held.


7.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the User and the Agency and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.

7.2 This Agreement may only be modified in writing and signed by both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date the Tour is booked through the Platform, in the form of the User making a booking through the Platform.

本合同(“协议”)于通过the Horseback Explorers Ltd(注册于爱尔兰共和国,公司注册号736576)(“平台”)的任何线上或线下渠道预订行程行程”)时生效,并由用户(“用户”)和平台之间签订。


1.1 用户同意通过平台预订产品行程,并按照行程运营商的要求支付定金和余额。

1.2 用户同意在预订过程中提供准确完整的信息,包括但不限于姓名、联系信息以及可能影响其参加行程的任何医疗或身体情况。由于不准确的信息导致平台或行程运营商遭受的任何损失或损害将由用户承担全部责任。

1.3 用户可以随时取消行程预订。取消手续费会根据取消时间和行程运营商的取消政策而有所不同。

1.4 仅在行程运营商取消行程或用户按照取消政策取消行程的情况下,将全额退款给用户


2.1 用户同意遵守行程运营商在行程期间提供的所有指示和指导,包括但不限于安全指南、马术规则和环境法规。

2.2 用户承认骑马存在固有的风险,并且意外可能发生。用户同意对在行程过程中发生的任何受伤、损害或损失承担全部责任。用户将放弃起诉行程经营者或平台,对在行程过程中发生的任何受伤、损害或损失不再提出任何索赔要求。


3.1 用户知悉平台的作用为用户和行程经营者之间代理。平台不对因行程经营者的疏忽或不当行为而导致用户遭受的任何损害或损失承担责任。平台对用户参与行程活动而导致的任何间接、特殊或后果性损害均不承担责任,包括但不限于个人受伤、财产损失和旅行计划的中断。

3.2 用户同意自行负责购买足额相关保险,并采取合理措施保护自己免受包括但不限于疾病爆发、政府行动、恐怖主义、工业罢工、延误、错过航班和影响用户按计划参与行程活动的一切个人情况的影响。平台不对用户因不可预见的情况而遭受的任何损害或损失承担责任,并且如果用户无法遵守行程经营者的取消政策而遭受的任何损失,平台也不承担责任。


4.1 由本协议引起的任何争议或索赔应按照行程当地的国家或州的法规进行仲裁。

4.2 仲裁应在行程当地的国家或州进行,仲裁员的决定对双方均具有最终且具有约束力的效力。


5.1 平台对由本协议引起的任何损害赔偿责任应限于用户支付的行程费用。


6.1 本协议应受行程的国家或州的法律管辖,并按照该法律进行解释和执行。


7.1 本协议构成用户和平台之间的完整协议,取代所有先前存在协议版本

7.2 本协议只能通过书面形式由双方签署后修改。


